Ideas and secrets to free yourself from the addiction, forever.
You don't have the power to stop smoking on your own? Have you asked yourself once why the risks for your health and the economic disadvantages aren't big enough to stop smoking? Are you fed up with starting again when you've just stopped? Are you really willing to stop smoking forever?
Stop smoking forever. That's an efficient self help book full of wonderful ideas against the bad habit smoking.
Use this book to find your own method to win the battle against tobacco.
This book informs you about how cigarettes' advertisement works on you and how to get out of the vicious circle! Nevertheless it helps you to fight the temptation with techniques such as acupuncture to relax and many more.
Here are some examples
Do you want to know how to pass the good buys at the duty free shops? Find it out in chapter 45! Do you want to enlighten your sex life without tobacco? You will find some ideas in chapter 39! Do you need a friend to talk to? Reed chapter 34, there you will get help!
Utiliza este libro para elaborar tu propio cóctel de abandono del hábito de fumar. En él descubrirás:
•La utilidad de las agujas: cómo puede ayudarte la acupuntura.
•Cómo funciona la publicidad del tabaco y cómo evitar que te atrape.
•Por qué mantenerse ocupado mantiene la tentación a raya.
•Formas de relajarse para liberar la tensión.
•Técnicas que ayudan a evitar la temida recaída.